French Patent Office

About French Patent Office

In addition to patents, the INPI is responsible for the management of other forms of intellectual property protection, such as trademarks (which are used for the branding of products and services), designs (which are used for aesthetic works), and models (which are used for three-dimensional creations). The INPI is responsible for ensuring that the comprehensive database known as "Bases de données INPI" is always up to date. Users of this database are given the ability to search through patents, trademarks, designs, and other types of intellectual property rights applications that have been submitted in France. This database may be a very beneficial resource for inventors, researchers, and businesses who are looking for information about patents and trademarks that are already in existence.

About French Patent Office

Individuals as well as businesses have the opportunity to benefit from the extensive selection of services and support choices that are made accessible by the INPI. These choices include intellectual property rights enforcement, advise on protecting intellectual property, assistance with the filing of patent applications, access to legal resources and databases, and patent application filing assistance.